
Sad Soul

I want to tell you a story.  It’s a story of a sad soul.  Her entire life she never felt like she was good enough.  Life had taken it’s toll on her.  Keeping her hostage from freedom and happiness.  When I met this sad soul, I listened to connect.  To hear.  To understand her story.  It was wrought with peril.  Shame, blame, guilt, negativity, and the list goes on.

I began negotiating with her captors.

  • You are good enough,
  • You are beautiful,
  • You can manage your emotions in a healthy way,
  • You can connect,
  • You can advocate for your needs,
  • You can become the version of yourself you have always wanted to become.

With the passing of time, a little bit of awareness, the choice to change, and some practice this sad soul began to change the way that she viewed the world.

  • She leaned into hard conversations,
  • She did things outside of her comfort zone
  • She started to forgive and let go of the past
  • She started to change her thinking, and her mindset.

As a coach I get to stand on sacred, holy ground with people.  I see time stand still as someone chooses to change the way they live.  As of late I am beginning to see a few patterns emerge through my time one on one with people.

  • We need connection:  Every human that I meet with wants to be loved, valued, appreciated and known.
  • Our thinking makes a difference:  People who focus on the positive, tend to attract good and beautiful things.  People with a mindset focused on the negative tend to see everything that is wrong around them.
  • Dormant dreams live inside of us:  We just need someone to help us unearth them and make them come alive again.

Sadness doesn’t have to be your story.  Misery doesn’t have to be your anthem.  Is there a new story that you want to tell? Let’s begin writing it together.