
How to start your day over

By Jerry Dunning | October 20, 2016

For several years in my life I had a weird habit.  During my morning routine, if something negative happened, I would think to myself, “It’s going to be one of THOSE days!”  When a second negative thing happened, I knew my day was doomed. Funny thing is I was usually right as I would spend the day looking […]


Negativity, Threat and Spiders

By Stephen Shandera | October 13, 2016

I recently read a Facebook post that asked the question, “Why is negativity so much stickier than positivity?”. The short answer is because we have a brain. Yes, blame it on your brain. After all, the brain’s primary operating principle is “Safety First”. The brain is wired to continually scan the environment in search of potential threats. […]


Going to College

By Jeannie McIssac-Tracy | October 6, 2016

I was walking to my favorite lunch spot when I saw a sign that read, “We are closed today. Kaitlin’s going to college!” That same day I saw a Facebook photo of a dear friend standing in the airport sending her daughter away to college in New York City. I was struck by the sense of excitement I felt from […]


Positivity is a requirement for lasting change

By scharfek | September 29, 2016

There are no shortages of “reasons” to convince us to change something important in our lives. We get it! So can we finally understand that long term change comes from our brains, not from a pill or a heavy dose of shame?   And here’s the thing, your brain makes decisions for you all the […]


Get Started

By Stephen Shandera | September 22, 2016

With summer coming to an end, students everywhere are starting back to school. My grandson, a sophomore in college, told me he’s not ready. Even though I’m not heading back to school, I found myself reflecting on the challenge I sometimes have with getting started. How about you: What are you ready to start before […]

How I am more aware while driving

By Crystal Hopper | September 15, 2016

Our facilitators at Elation have several questions they like to consistently ask.  One of them is, “Have you ever driven from Point A to Point B without thinking about each stop and intersection along the way?” Yes, I’ve done this! Most people have. I remember a time I was driving and suddenly someone was right behind me. My immediate […]


Sad Soul

By Leslie Scharfe | September 8, 2016

I want to tell you a story.  It’s a story of a sad soul.  Her entire life she never felt like she was good enough.  Life had taken it’s toll on her.  Keeping her hostage from freedom and happiness.  When I met this sad soul, I listened to connect.  To hear.  To understand her story. […]


Break the Mold

By Leslie Scharfe | September 1, 2016

“Never underestimate the magnitude of the forces that reinforce complacency and that help maintain the status quo.” -John Kotter I love working with people both young and old. What I love even more is when they start to “get it.” When they begin to probe and ask deeper questions like: Why am I here? What […]


Scaffolding for Self-Awareness

By Jeannie McIssac-Tracy | August 25, 2016

I was driving home from work the last week when I noticed some exterior work happening at an office building. There was scaffolding in place to help with the work the crew was doing. I drove away thinking about how critical that scaffolding is to the success of their work. Scaffolding provides some temporary support and […]

Put Quality over Quantity: Ditch Multi-tasking

By Leslie Scharfe | August 18, 2016

I recently had a conversation with a client who told me that one of her greatest strengths is that she is fantastic at multi-tasking! New neuroscience research proves that multi-tasking is next to impossible. You mean to say that I can’t check my email, work on the report, and have a meeting and IM all […]

You are what you think

By Leslie Scharfe | August 11, 2016

Have you ever spent time around people who are too smart to think? They have an uncanny ability to recite information verbatim from a book, but when asked to come up with an original thought they struggle immensely. Working for Elation, one of the most important lessons that I have learned is: “How you think […]

Becoming a Voice

By Leslie Scharfe | August 4, 2016

Every person that we come into contact has a different interpretation of experiences. This is what makes us unique. We bring so many different things to the table… personal experience, heredity, culture, and even relational history. Our mindset is the way we view the world. And yet, our perspectives can shift and change. Managers face the […]